How to Take Dictation Using Your iPhone (or Any Phone) While Driving
I wrote this article on the 101 freeway during the morning rush hour. To be completely honest I did some light editing and added links afterwards, but the bulk of the material was drafted while I was behind the wheel.
Now I have to say that there are some risks to multitasking while driving even when you use my completely hands-free approach. You can’t pay attention to everything all at once. If you don’t believe me just look at the first video on this link and tell me how many times the players in white pass the ball to each other. You’ll be surprised by what you don’t see.
That said, if you are determined to make the most of your daily commute by taking detailed notes-to-self, it’s important to find a tool that is as frictionless as possible. And with the iPhone you have two options — one is bad and the other is worse.
The Bad — Hey Siri Take a Note
Apple’s “Hey Siri take a note” functionality is good in theory but terrible in practice. It’s easy to invoke — just yell “Hey Siri…take a note” at your phone and your iPhone becomes an instant amanuensis, taking your speech and transforming it into words then reading it back to you for confirmation.