Toothpaste Flip-Top Cap — Greatest Blessing of Them All?

Phil Houtz
2 min readApr 18, 2018


I don’t know Howard Wright but I’d really like to buy the man a drink. According to Google Patents Howard Wright invented one of the first flip-top toothpaste caps. I find myself endlessly delighted with the most recent version of this cap — barely any larger than the original screw-top model.

To be clear I never had any trouble with the screw-on caps. It wasn’t a big deal to unscrew the cap, set it on the sink, brush your teeth and then replace the cap. And I never particularly liked Mr. Wright’s original design. The large flip-top cap was too big, it felt clunky. Sometimes they closed too tightly to thumb-open easily.

This little flip-top is a true marvel. It opens effortlessly, closes easily. It saves the user the tiniest effort, unscrewing and re-screwing, which added up day after day is a substantial amount of work.

But the best thing about the toothpaste flip-top cap is that it prevents the inevitability of the old fashioned screw-top skipping off the edge of the sink and rolling across the floor and under the toilet.

This tiny convenience is what makes great design. A small mercy, acknowledging the daily frustrations each of us face, and trying to make things a little bit easier. It makes me think of Jesus’ comment that a small kindness, giving a cup of cold water, is a virtuous act.

So Howard Wright — if you’re out there- thank you. You’ve made my life just a teensy bit better, yet better day in and day out.



Phil Houtz
Phil Houtz

Written by Phil Houtz

Writer, content strategist, curiosity seeker

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